Eine starke Marke verfügt über eine zentrale Brand Story, die deren Rolle in dieser Welt einfach und verständlich kommuniziert. Bei der Definition einer Brand Story empfiehlt es sich Markenelemente wie den Brand Purpose, aber auch Kompetenzen und Benefits zu berücksichtigen. Auch die intensive Auseinandersetzung mit dem Konzept der Archetypen ist in diesem Zusammenhang ratsam.
Beispiele für eine Brand Story
Here’s to the crazy ones.
The misfits. The rebels. The troublemakers.
The round pegs in the square holes. The ones who see things differently. They’re not fond of rules. And they have no respect for the status quo.
You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them. But the only thing you can’t do is ignore them.
Because they change things. They push the human race forward. And while some may see them as the crazy ones,We see genius.
Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, Are the ones who do.
When all is said and done, have you done or said enough?
Have you just gone along for the ride, or have you steered destiny’s hot rod. When you leave this world, did you make it any better than it was when you arrived?
All you need is all you’ve got: Your wits and the clothes on your back, your epitaph is yours to earn; your legacy is yours to make.
Go forth.
Quelle: Clifford Chi 1
Somehow we’ve come to believe that greatness is only for the chosen few, for the superstars.
The truth is, greatness is for us all. This is not about lowering Expectations; it’s about raising them for every last one of us.
Greatness is not in one special place, and it’s not in one special person. Getanes is wherever somebody is trying to find it.
Quelle: Clifford Chi 1
We’re building the world’s first digital bank
At N26, we believe that your bank should be as mobile and flexible as you. That’s why we’re offering a 100% digital banking experience that’s designed to be simple and transparent. Centered around you, it’s an app that feels good to use—integrating the most innovative technology to make life easier, and enabling you to live and bank your way.
We’re for dogs.
Some people are for the whales.
Some are for the trees.
We’re for dogs.
The big ones and the little ones.
The guardians and the comedians.
The pure breeds and the mutts.
We’re for walks, runs and romps.
Digging, scratching, sniffing, and fetching.
We’re for dog parks, dog doors and dog days.
If there were an international holiday for dogs, on which all dogs were universally recognized for their contribution to the quality of life on earth, we’d be for that too.
Because we’re for dogs.
An we’ve spent the last 60 years working to make them as happy as they’ve made us.
Dogs rule.
Röhlig Logistics
Where the world sees cargo shipped from A to B,
we see a responsibility. Because Cargo needs more than a destination.
And while the world is looking for the one way to go, we already have three other routes planned.
Because it’s good to have a plan but even better to have a plan B, C and D.
While the world offers thousands of default options, we look for the one fitting solution.
Because no client is like the other.
While the world is focused on zeroes and ones,
we are focused on you.
Because personal relationships are
the heart of our work – online and offline.
While the world is always changing,
we are the constant you can depend on.
Because challenging times ask for a partner
not a provider.
While the world tries to unify,
we already have our global family.
Because trust isn’t bought –
it’s built and worked on.
While the world is trying to surpass time,
we are going with it.
Because technology should make things easier
not harder.
And while others are focused on themselves, we are there for you.
Personal, digital, on site.
Always by your side since 1852.
Röhlig. Creating Chains of Trust
Quelle: Röhlig auf YouTube
Wir geben uns erst zufrieden, wenn alle Dabei sind.
Es liegt in unserer Natur: Wir brauchen Austausch mit anderen Menschen, um uns zu entwickeln. Teilen ist Nähe. Deshalb teilen wir, was uns wichtig ist, mit denen , die uns wichtig sind.
Wir teilen Erlebnisse, Erfahrungen und Überzeugungen, ja manchmal sogar unser Eigentum. Aber auch unser Wissen und unsere Ideen. Und führen sie oft zu etwas Besserem, etwas Größerem. Genau darin liegt unser Antrieb.
Wir, die deutsche Telekom, sind mehr als irgendein Unternehmen, das die Gesellschaft mit Infrastruktur versorgt. Wir sind vertrauenswürdiger Begleiter in allen Lebenslagen. Privat und beruflich. Immer und überall. Das Leben der Menschen nachhaltig zu vereinfachen und zu bereichern – das ist unser Auftrag.
Mit unserem Netzballs Lebensader: schnell, zuverlässig und sicher. Für jedermann einfach und zugänglich. Nah bei den Kunden, transparent, fair und offen für den Dialog.
Mit neuen Produkten, deren Chancen wir schnell und früh erkennen, um sie zusammen mit unserer Partnern zu entwickeln. Das alles können wir besser als jeder Andere. Und das schafft das nötige Vertrauen für eine langfristige Beziehung.
Genau dafür arbeiten wir bei er Deutschen Telekom – leidenschaftlich, fokussiert und nachhaltig. Wir beschreiben gemeinsam den Weg in eine faszinierende Welt unendlicher Möglichkeiten für jeden Einzelnen. Und leisten so unseren Beitrag für ein gesellschaftliches Miteinander.
Das verbindet uns.
Quelle: Brand Driven Progress
Warby Parker Glasses
Warby Parker was founded with a rebellious spirit and a lofty objective: to offer designer eyewear at a revolutionary price, while leading the way for socially conscious businesses.
Every idea starts with a problem. Our was simple: glasses are too expensive.
We were students when on of us lost his glasses on a backpacking trip. The cost of replacing them was so high that he spent the first semester of grad school without them, squinting and complaining. (We don’t recommend this.) The rest of us had similar experiences, and we were amazed at how hard it was to find a pair of great frames that didn’t leave our wallets bare. Where were the options?
It turns out there was a simple explanation. The eyewear industry is dominated by a single company that has been able to keep prices artificially high while reaping huge profits from consumers who have no other options.
We started Warby Parker to create an alternative.
By circumventing traditional channels, deisgning glasses in-house, and engaging with customers directly, we’re able to provide higher-quality, better -looking prescription eyewear at a fraction oft he going price.
We beliebe that buying glasses should be easy and fun. it should leave you happy and good-looking, with money in your pocket.
We also believe that everyone has the right to see.
Almost one billion people worldwide lack access to glasses, which means that 15% of the world’s population connot effectively learn or work. To help address this problem, Warby Parker partners with non-profits like VisionSpring to ensure that for every pair of glasses sold, a pair is distributed to someone in need.
The is nothing complicated about it. Good eyewear, good outcome.
Quelle: Warby Parker
The North Face
Why do we explore?
Do we simply want to go places we’ve never been before? No, it goes far deeper than that.
We explore so we may know the earth better and, along the way, ourselves.
How willful are we?
How strong?
How brave?
We embrace the struggle and accomplish things other thought impossible.
The equipment we rely on is more than our tools. It is how we transport ourselves from who we are to who we will be.
These are life’s great moments. We do not explore to cheat death. We explore to celebrate life.
We will never stop exploring.
Quelle: Clifford Chi 1